On 11/23/2013 8:55 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
Having said that, I've come to the conclusion that graylisting isn't 
worth it to me. I disabled graylisting several months ago, and haven't 
really noticed any less effectiveness. Measuring the effectiveness of 
graylisting properly is very difficult, and it's a pain for users 
(myself included) at times. With all of the other filters spamdyke 
provides, I don't think the cost of graylisting is worth the benefit. Of 
course, YMMV.

Curious you bring that up.  In perusing the logs, it (very subjectively) looks like r_dns lookups are blocking 95% of the spam, RBL is getting about 4% and graylisting is only being invoked about 1% of the time.

But what is the "cost of graylisting"?  Graylisting delays a legit email by X amount of minutes.  Is that the pain of which you are talking?

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