On 14-03-07 03:53 PM, Sam Clippinger wrote:
What OS are you on? Does this happen every time, or just for some connections? If you can
It appears to happen every time. I'm using Debian Linux x86_64. Spamdyke 4.3.1 continues to work fine.

("./configure --with-excessive-output") and run it with the "full-log-dir" option enabled to capture the full log of everything that's happening. That log would show everything about how spamdyke is configured, the environment, inputs and outputs, etc. I could use that to reproduce the problem and find the bug.
Will do. I will however caution that I did try something like that and it crashed before logging anything meaningful however I will try it to the letter so that we can both be sure. Thanks for helping and I hope I turn up something useful for you.
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