Hi Everyone,

I would like to report a probably bug, what I found in sqlite (3.16.2)
I want to make and use some application defined function (ADF). If I use ADF 
value in sql where expression, then the server result is incorrect.

  example data: 

  with t (id,name) as (select row_number(name),name from example )
    select * from t order by id

   expected result: [(1, '1_one'), (2, '2_two'), (3, '3_three'), (4, '4_four'), 
(5, '5_five'), (6, '6_six'), (7, '7_seven'), (8, '8_eight'), (9, '9_nine')] 
   real result: same, CORRECT

  with t (id,name) as (select row_number(name),name from example )
   select * from t WHERE ID<=5 order by id

   expected result: [(1, '1_one'), (2, '2_two'), (3, '3_three'), (4, '4_four'), 
(5, '5_five')] 
   real result: [(2, '1_one'), (4, '2_two'), (6, '3_three')] INCORRECT

I get weird sql result with subselect too
select * from (select row_number(name) as id,name from example ) t where id<=5

I've made a python script for testing and issue reproduction:

import sqlite3

def row_number(v):
  print('row_number called:',v);
  global row_number_buffer;
  return row_number_buffer;

if __name__ == '__main__':
  db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:');
  db.create_function("row_number", 1, row_number);

  c = db.cursor();
  c.execute('''CREATE TABLE example(name)''');

  for i in 
    c.execute('''INSERT INTO example(name) VALUES(?)''', (i,));

  print('Test1 OK');
  #call a "with" statement without sql where expression
  c.execute("""with t (id,data) as (select row_number(name),name from example ) 
select * from t order by id""");
  print('Correct result (without ID filter):',c.fetchall());

  print('Test2 NOK');
  #call a "with" statement with application sql function filter ID<=5
  c.execute("""with t (id,name) as (select row_number(name),name from example ) 
select * from t WHERE ID<=5 order by id""");
  print('Incorrect result (WHERE ID<=5):',c.fetchall());


Best regards, Tibor
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