On 2017/01/26 6:23 PM, dspub...@freemail.hu wrote:

Thanks for responses, I have an other problem

select * from (select row_number(name) as id,name from example order by name desc) t order by name In this query, the server why doesn't use the nested "order by"? I want to numbering the inner data descending, but I can't, because looks like, the server ignores it. There exists no such thing as "nested" ORDER BY clauses. One and only one ORDER BY clause can ever determine ordering. The outer-most is the Boss.
What you perhaps are trying to achieve is this:

SELECT COUNT(B.name) AS id, A.name
 FROM example AS A
 LEFT JOIN example AS B ON B.name < A.name

Couldn't test it so there might be a typo in there, but the principle works.

Actually , I want to adopt some sql analytic function with application defined function, and I want to use them with "with" statement.
For example:

seg1 (account_num,account_type) as (select account_num,account_type from account where account_name like 'p%' ) ,seg2 (t10,t10rid,t12,t12rid) as (select t10.account_num ,t10.rid,t12.item,t12.rid
 from (select *,row_number() as rid from seg1 order by account_num) t10
left join (select *,row_number() as rid from account_sub order by item DESC) t12 on t12.account_num=t10.account_num
select * from seg2 where t10rid<=5  order by t10rid,t12rid

('00032', 1, 'a', 1)
('00032ST', 2, 'a', 1)
('0014615', 3, 'a', 1)
('001604313', 4, 'A', 1) problem is here, it should be ('001604313', 4, 1, 'B') because of order by item DESC ('001604313', 4, 'B', 2)problem is here, it should be ('001604313', 4, 1, 'A') because of order by item DESC
('001610179', 5, 'a', 1)

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