On 2017/02/17 4:11 PM, Clyde Eisenbeis wrote:
Is SQLite Version 3 the same as SQLite3? ...

You have been using SQLite3 through a wrapper, a good one by the way, but the core API comes as a single C file which can be compiled into your program directly and then you can use the API functions from there, all of which are well documented. This is the normal (and arguable the best) way to use SQLite3, though some wrappers exist for almost all programming languages and they are relatively easy to use too - but for brute speed and control, use the API directly.

You can even checkout the latest commits via SVN if you are wanting to be on the cutting edge or testing new features - but usually downloading the latest release is sufficient for normal use.

Another option is linking to a library, which is much the same like using the API directly from the compiled-in file, except you first have to link against it, such as the downloadable DLL for windows or the libraries for Linux, Android, OSX etc. All of these options, from the full amalgamation to the .NET wrapper you've been using to the dynamic linked libraries and even a command line interface program and the documentation to use the API are all downloadable from:

Whichever flavour you prefer - and you can even roll your own by compiling any of the above with the latest sources yourself. :)

The API usage documentation can also be found online here:

And of course, any questions you may have, this helpful forum will supply with gusto.

Good luck!
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