(A little bit off topic)

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:32 AM, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> ..... though some wrappers exist for almost all programming languages and
> they are relatively easy to use too - *but for brute speed and control,
> use the API directly.*

Ever since I found SQLite3 and a decent wrapper that does exactly what I've
needed it to do, I've ALWAYS wanted to do a direct port of the Amalgamation
into a Delphi/Pascal unit so I can just include it and have the
functionality built in, period, built by the Pascal engine.  However, when
I last looked at the Amalgamation source code, it was 4 meg in size.  It'd
take me a while.... :]

One of these days.....
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