“Much safer to have a habit to name views like the table names they derive from 
(when they derive from specific tables)”

That is what I am doing right now. So thanks for all the answers I got to 
confirm that there is no easy way to do it.

At 2017-03-22 19:52:59, "R Smith" <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
>On 2017/03/22 12:37 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> On 3/22/17, 邱朗 <qiulang2...@126.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any way to drop view “automatically” when its associated table is
>>> dropped?
>>> It seems no way to do. Then if I drop a table, is there any (easy) way to
>>> find views created based on it and I can drop view manually ?
>> There is no easy way to figure out what tables a view refers to.
>> Furthermore, some applications might want to drop a table and then
>> recreate that table (perhaps after adding a new constraint or
>> reordering the columns) and would like to keep using the VIEW.  Those
>> applications would not want the VIEW to be dropped automatically.
>May I add further that views are tricky things. They can refer to 
>multiple tables, or other views which in turn refer to multiple tables 
>or yet other views (and have obscured the names of the original tables 
>via "AS" aliasing). There is no way to easily implement an automatic 
>view-of-table dropper. (I've tried to do something like this for an 
>sqlite tool long ago).
>You could even look for the table name referenced in the view sql (by 
>simply doing something like:
>SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' AND sql LIKE 
>and drop all of those views that show up in the result - BUT, then you 
>have to be absolutely sure no View would ever use a field, refer to a 
>field, use another table or view, or have inferred / aliased fields or 
>use tables in a sub-query of any kind that will ever be the same (in 
>full or in part) as the table name you are trying to drop for.
>It's a slippery slope. Much safer to have a habit to name views like the 
>table names they derive from (when they derive from specific tables), 
>such as
>CREATE VIEW cities_view_someref AS SELECT ... FROM cities WHERE .... ;
>CREATE VIEW cities_view_someotherref AS SELECT ... FROM cities WHERE .... ;
>Then later when you drop everything, either in your code do:
>DROP TABLE cities;
>namelist = (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' AND name 
>LIKE 'cities_view_%';)
>Then DROP every view in namelist via code.
>--- or by creating an extended function in sqlite3, do this (pseudo coded):
>   DROP TABLE @arg1;
>   For each name in (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' 
>AND name LIKE '[@arg1]_view_%';)
>     do DROP VIEW name;
>Maybe also return the failure/success status of those functions, and 
>perhaps executing them in a transaction, etc.
>So then executing:
>DROPTV cities;
>Should have the same effect as the first example.
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