On 16 Mar 2018, at 11:41, Rowan Worth wrote:

> Doing it with an if means you always run two queries - the first to
> determine whether a row exists:
> SELECT EXISTS (SELECT ID from Book where Name = "SearchName")

Hi, yes that’s true. Not critical in my case but if you have a slow FFI in 
between this is not ideal.

> There's two approaches which reduce the best case to a single query:
> 1. Immediately try to INSERT using the ON ABORT conflict strategy (ie.the
> default). If the query fails with SQLITE_CONSTRAINT you know the row is
> already present, so run the UPDATE.

Yes. In my case we crash hard on any SQLite problems as such a constraint 
violation shouldn’t happen at all and if indicates an invalid application state.

> 2. Immediately try to UPDATE the existing row. Then call sqlite3_changes to
> determine how many rows were updated - if zero then you know the row didn't
> exist, so run the INSERT.

That’s a nice one. I’m going to try this. At least you don’t run two queries 
but you need two calls, replacing the query for the #of-rows-changed query, 
which should be quicker.

Viele Grüsse.


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