On 4/10/19, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
> The first column is of strings ...
> Do you mean a single string as in "KerfufledAllaHasbalah"
> Or a "bunch of strings with some implied delimiter" such as
> "Kerfufled/Alla/Hasballah" where "/" is the separator between strings?
> If the latter, the data needs to be normalized.

There is only one string in each row, not many strings separated by
some separator. A string can include white space characters. In other
words, a string can be a word or multiple words separated by white

Would it be possible to create indexes at a subcolumn level? I think
if indexes can be created at the word level (or prefix of words, as I
frequently search for things like a noun and its plural form
together), then the search can be faster.

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