Thanks everyone for the helpful answers. Here's some context:

The database I have is for academic purposes. Research groups will need to
be able to download it in order to do large-scale scans using it as input,
so putting it in a wrapper (in PHP, say) isn't useful. But, I don't want
someone else to take it, add to it, and put it online somewhere else, so
that there are multiple versions floating around the web. I don't mind if
there are multiple COPIES, but I want to make sure that they're all the

Thanks again,

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Igor Tandetnik <> wrote:

> On 10/14/2014 10:12 AM, John Hascall wrote:
>> Some code you may find useful to enforce the readonly byte
> Of course, anyone smart enough to change the byte from read-only to
> read-write before making changes, would also be smart enough to set it back
> afterwards.
> --
> Igor Tandetnik
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