On 10/14/2014 2:38 PM, Ross Altman wrote:
I don't mind if there are multiple COPIES, but I want to make sure that they're 
all the

Well, you can't, really. If nothing else, whoever has read access to the database can read all the data out, then create a new database of their own, insert all that data into it (altered to taste), then publish it on their site (with the same file name as yours).

The best you can do, from technical standpoint, is publish it on your site, complete with an MD5 hash or similar, and encourage the community to always get it from the "official" source (or at least, check the hash against the known-good one).

From non-technical standpoint, there might be options for legal enforcement against unauthorized copies - but I'm not a lawyer and would not speculate on this topic. Consult your lawyer if you are interested in going down this path.
Igor Tandetnik

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