On 2014/11/10 20:22, Mike McWhinney wrote:
So SQLite shouldn't be used at all on a network?  Aren't there any other 
provisions to handled the locking errors if/when
they occur?

It is not about SQLite, it is about the Networking systems lying about whether a file is locked or not. No RDBMS can trust the network, but the client-server types do not care since they control the locking and do not depend on the OS / file status. SQLite however depends on it and as such cannot accurately (or timeously I should say) verify such status via a Network. On a local drive this is never a problem.

If you need Networking or User-control, please use a client-server type 

There is one Client-Server implementation of SQLite (SQLightening I think) but it is neither free nor easy to convert to. You can write your own server too, but the best bet is using MySQL or PostGres in these cases.

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