On 2016-05-27 2:34 AM, Tim Streater wrote:
On 27 May 2016 at 08:56, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:

On 2016-05-26 9:00 PM, Balaji Ramanathan wrote:
The main advantage of forums, and I follow a bunch of them, is that I choose
when I want to stop my regular day job and be distracted by them rather than
emails coming in and distracting me all the time.

That's not an argument for web forums, rather that's an argument for not using
your work email to subscribe to non-work discussion lists; use a non-work email
for the discussion lists instead.  You can also configure your email client to
only check email when you tell it to rather than constantly. -- Darren Duncan

Filter the sqlite mails into their own mailbox. They can then be read at a 
convenient moment.

That's exactly what I do. I have my PERSONAL email address that I subscribe to a few dozen email lists with, and have automatic filters setup to shuffle each list into its own mailbox. When I have separate work-provided email addresses, I don't use them for anything but internal communication in that workplace, I don't subscribe to email lists with them.

I certainly don't want a whole lot of sub-forums and the like, each of which 
has to be checked in case there's something interesting there.

I don't want a web forum either, or at least not as a replacement for this email list.

For that other use case someone mentioned about some people just have one-off questions, forums provided by others such as Stack Overflow handle the job fine. For official SQLite maintainers' forums, this email list is good.

-- Darren Duncan

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