Besides whatever changes are in the release notes, I think you'll be fine.
I tried reasonably hard to make 2.6 -> 2.7 a seamless update; the only
surprises could be the storeUpdate stuff which Henrik included near the
end of the development cycle. That can be turned off to fall back to
the Squid-2.6 behaviour.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008, Manoj_Rajkarnikar wrote:
> Hi all.
> Any special point to note when upgrading from 2.6S19 to 2.7S2. I searched 
> for any clues but found none. just tying to confirm. our cache is serving 
> ~40% of our internet bandwidth and everything would go haywire if it goes 
> down during upgrade.
> Thanks
> Manoj
> -- 

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