Janne and Samuel,

Ok... I think there are some things that need to be clarified... b/c it was a while since I set this up in Stripes... I hadn't realized I even set it up.

Technically speaking yes - you are both correct - request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8") is required and should be performed if you are doing UTF-8 with a simple Servlet. However, as StripesFilter is already in place one would hope you wouldn't have to wrap yet another Servlet filter around it and clearly you don't.

Basically, in addition to the other things I mentioned there indeed is one Stripes configuration that I set... by creating a custom LocalePicker subclass that picks the character encoding "UTF-8"... and dropping it the configured Stripes extensions folder... the relevant code is as follows:
   public class MyLocalePicker implements LocalePicker {
public final String pickCharacterEncoding(HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale) {
       return ("UTF-8");

And voila... all is well... and NO need for your additional Stripes wrapper... why b/c the StripesFilter performs the following: * String encoding = this.configuration.getLocalePicker().pickCharacterEncoding(httpRequest, locale);*
*                if (encoding != null) {*
*                    httpRequest.setCharacterEncoding(encoding);*
log.debug("LocalePicker selected character encoding: ", encoding);
               else {
log.debug("LocalePicker did not pick a character encoding, using default: ",

So, in fact we are golden via simple Stripes configuration vs. wrapping a custom filter around the Stripes filter.

I had done this so long ago that I forgot I even did it. And yes, technically the web browser should adhere to what its asked to use as the encoding and sure older web browsers may have issues - problem is what "older" means today is very unclear - so I agree this needs to be done but let Stripes do it for you.

So the above should be added to my previous list :-)



Samuel Santos wrote:
Hi Daniil,

I've an old post about this topic at http://www.samaxes.com/2006/12/java-and-utf-8-encoding/.

Hope it helps,

Samuel Santos

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Janne Jalkanen <janne.jalka...@ecyrd.com <mailto:janne.jalka...@ecyrd.com>> wrote:

    Really???  A filter just to set character encoding???  Although I
    imagine it would work isn't that a little sledge hammer-ish ;-)

    I seem to recall it was the recommended practice.

    Why not just put the following at the top of each of your JSPs
    (or tweak as necessary):
    <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"
    contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>

    That will ensure your web page supports UTF-8.

    No, it will just ensure that it outputs UTF-8; it does not say
    anything about incoming request (which is what the
    request.setCharacterEncoding() does.)

    As far as Stripes is concerned you don't have to do anything for
    it to support UTF-8... and Java retains all Strings in unicode so
    no issue there either.

    The problem stems from the fact that servlet spec says that the
    default input encoding is ISO-8859-1. Especially older browsers do
    not send the character encoding correctly, so you're better off
    declaring the input encoding explicitly.

    Please see Servlet specification version 2.5 Section SRV.3.9.


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