Does anybody know why the following is casuing me so many problems.
I'm using LookupDispatchAction and have a number of methods defined
in my action class including an execute method.  The problem is that
the execute method ALWAYS gets executed and not the intended method.

I have in the addbanana.jsp:
<html:submit value="Add Banana" property="action"/>

and in Struts-config:
  <action path="/addbanana"

In my action class I've defined the following:

public ActionForward addBanana(ActionMapping mapping, 
                                          ActionForm form, 
                                          HttpServletRequest request, 
                                        HttpServletResponse response) throws 
IOException, ServletException {
          return (mapping.findForward("success"));

public ActionForward deleteBanana(ActionMapping mapping, 
                                          ActionForm form, 
                                          HttpServletRequest request, 
                                        HttpServletResponse response) throws 
IOException, ServletException {
          return (mapping.findForward("success"));
     * Get key method map just obtains the map that maps the button
     * text onto the particular method in this action
     * @param mapping is the action mapping
     * @param form is the action form 
     * @param request is the http request
    protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put("Add Banana", "addBanana");
  map.put("Delete Banana", "deleteBanana");   
  return map;

 * Execute method
 * @param mapping is the information regardin gthe URI mapping and the action
 * @param form is the action form used
 * @param request is the request
 * @param response is the response
 * @return the action forward, a destination to forward the user onto (eg another JSP)
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                                ActionForm form,
                                HttpServletRequest request,
                                HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, 
ServletException {

  Logger.logInfo("Execute Called");   
        //We can now put these bits in the database
        return (mapping.findForward("success")

Does anybody know why EXECUTE is called but the intended ADDBANANA method is not

Many thanks,

 Jonathan Holloway,               
 Dept. Of Computer Science,       
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,                      
 SY23 3DV.                        
 07968 902140                  

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