> Ok the reason I had just put strings in the Map was because of
> Lack of internationalisation, I've now done this but still I get
> The same error that of a NullPointerException.  I'm assuming this
> Is because of a method not found error from my ServletException
> Output in Tomcat... (See attached)  Am I correct in assuming that
> map.put( "button.banana.add", "addBanana" );
> maps onto the method..........
> public ActionForward addBanana(

Not without the following:
   In the .properties file:
      button.banana.add=Add Banana
   In the request
      "action" being equal to "Add Banana"
   In struts-config:
      <action    path="/editContact"

> I've simply stuck super.execute() in my execute method and also
> Tried removing the method as well but I still seem to get the 
> Following exception *sigh*.  Can anyone suggest whats wrong?

This isn't the same error you described earlier... now the
LookupDispatchAction's execute method *is* being executed, but it can't
figure out which method to pick.

You're much closer now, just get all the bits arranged properly and it will
work.  If you're still stuck, post the relevant snippets of struts-config,
.properties and the JSP.  We've just seen the map.put and the addBanana
method signature so far.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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