
From: "David Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No, it doesn't encourage poor programming.  Anyone can abuse the tags but
> it's up to your designers to use them for view logic.  If you provide
> beans that perform the business logic, the page designers will have no
> reason to implement that logic in the view.

Yeah, maybe in a perfect world, with always up to date good developers, it
may be possible that they won't abuse technologies and break layers ...

... in a perfect world, maybe.

But my 'little' experience told me that if there's a way to do things
quicker (at the cost of 'good programming practices'), you will end up with
an unmaintainable piece of program ...

So I really understand what Mark is afraid of, because I had to be a
maintainer of such bad layered applications.

(I find in practice, it's almost impossible to keep bad programmers -or not
up to date with the more recent technos- away from applications)


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