okay - last try. It is possible that the tile-plugin is not starting? Have you any "german sonderzeichen" in yout tiles-defs.xml? That will cause an error when the digester parsing your file

Stephan Wiesner wrote:
ah, but there is a space in between.
<tiles:insert attribute='menu'/>
<tiles:insertAttribute name="head"/>

That is how it works for me, but without the tiles-defs.xml. So, sadly, I am still where I started (about the day before yesterday) .-(

Axel Sachmann wrote:


have a look at this tutorial - http://www.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/tiles/tilesAdvancedFeatures.pdf

Go to Page 7.

Insert Attribute works with my complete site....

Ciao Axel

Stephan Wiesner wrote:

Hi Axel,
"insertAttribute" is not valid.

Axel Sachmann wrote:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %> <tiles:insertAttribute name="head"/>

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