If you are using the XML definition factory then you should call the definition 
instead of the jsp. So in your JSP to call the definition it should look like this:

<tiles:insert definition="mainLayout " flush="true"/>

mainLayout then will provide the link to Layout.jsp do to the "path" attribute.  Then 
your Layout.jsp will have access to the attributes.  When I use useAttribute I give 
the bean an id (optional it will be the name of the attribute if not included)  like 
this (the scope is optional - but request will allow other embedded jsps have access 
to the bean).

<tiles:useAttribute id="head" name="head" scope="request"/>


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 06:26
Subject: Tiles: attribute 'head' not found in context

Hi list, I have a problem getting tiles definitions to work (using
Struts 1.1).
It works fine, when I use <tiles:put name="head" value="Kopf.jsp" /> in
my JSP pages,
but not with the XML:

Here is the code in my tiles-defs.xml
    <definition name="mainLayout" path="Layout.jsp">
        <put name="head"  value="MeinKopf" />       
And here is Layout.jsp:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:useAttribute name="head"/>

And here is the JSP I use to call Layout.jsp:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:insert page="Layout.jsp" flush="true">

The error I get is:
[ServletException in:Layout.jsp] Error - tag useAttribute : attribute
'head' not found in context. Check tag syntax'

If I call Layout.jsp right away, I get:
ServletException: Error - tag useAttribute : no tiles context found

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