HI Nalini

There is a fantastic example given in "Programming Jakarta Struts" from

Shashank S. Dixit
Software Analyst.
Datamatics Ltd.
Contact: 28291253 ext 146
Mobile: 9820930075

Be brave against all odds. Never give up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nalini Pal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 7:45 PM
Subject: LookupDispatchAction

Not sure how best to set this up and indeed, if it is possible so any advice
would be appreciated.

I have a an ActionForm called RegisterForm where a new user to enter their
details (name, email, school name and school address) or an existing
registered user to edit these fields.

Alongside the 'school address' field I have a submit button, 'Find School'
that allows a user to enter part of the school name or address and hit this
'FindSchool' button which then goes off to another page (selectSchool.jsp)
that displays a list of matching schools.  The user then clicks on their
chosen school on selectSchool.jsp and is then returned to the RegisterForm
with the 'school name' and 'school address' fields populated.

I have been advised to use a LookupDispatchAction, as a JSP alternative to
Javascript. Has anyone used it and/ or have an example illustrating its use?

Many Thanks


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