Dear Chuck,

Your message was very useful therapy for me.
[You should charge a fee :-) ]

> I ... conclude that DST is ... unnecessary
> ... for people who are capable of ...
> modifying their morning alarm clock.

It is so much easier to change one alarm
clock than to change all the other clocks:
from the central heating to the microwave!

I don't need a Government to tell me how
to parcel out the hours of daylight and
night.  I could argue that DST is almost

I am simply astonished that so many people
who get up at 7am can be persuaded to get
up at 6am only if you CALL it 7am.

I remember a child whose favourite snack
was X's Yogurt.  One day his Mom couldn't
get X's Yogurt in the supermarket and got
Y's Yogurt instead.  The child wouldn't
touch it.  His Mom took it away, washed an
old tub with X's Yogurt written on it and
poured Y's Yogurt into it.  The child ate
it with a happy smile.

It is amazing how susceptible people are
to this kind of rebadging but I don't want
my time rebadged thank you!

The BBC's U.K. Farming Today program had five
minutes of propaganda on this subject this
morning.  You can hear it at:

Click on "Listen now" for 18/03/2010.  The
clip starts 8m30s into the programme.

You can click on COMMENTS BOARD and leave a
comment.  They might publish it.  They didn't
publish mine even though I followed all the
guidelines about not using "offensive or
defamatory language"!

Ooops!  I have just checked and they HAVE 
published my remarks.  Look at:

Please send in some more!

Don't let Governments fiddle with time!

Frank King
Cambridge, U.K.


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