But simple idea is that without suPHP there's no zombie processes in our environment - there was no zombies in our old php4 installation before suphp and there's no zombies in our new php5 installation on sites that configured without suPHP. Conclusion - use of suPHP make php zombie processes. I think it's simple as that. Thanks for process explanation, but unfortunately it's too complicated for me to trace this error - it's not worth time (days? :)) I will spent on that.
   Looking forward any new updates on this subject.

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
The parent process in your case is httpd, which means that Apache (or a
related Apache module) is not calling wait() when waiting for a child to

So, there is a possibility suPHP is responsible for this.  The way it
works, without going into suphp.conf semantics:

  1) httpd loads mod_suphp.so
  2) mod_suphp.so executes /usr/local/bin/suphp
  3) /usr/local/bin/suphp executes /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
  4) /usr/local/bin/php-cgi parses PHP script and outputs data to
  stdout, which makes it back to httpd.

Here's the problem: there's not going an easy way to trace this down,
because Apache makes debugging children it forks off fairly difficult.
The problem could be in any of 3 places.

truss and strace are useful utilities for tracking stuff like this down,
but you more or less have to use them as wrapper programs, and they're
only somewhat helpful when it comes to tracking down zombies.  They're
better for figuring out what syscalls are being called repetitively.

The even bigger problem: Apache and PHP both have a history of resulting
in zombie processes, or behaving erroneously with fork()'d children.
You can use Google to see said track record, otherwise look here for the
word "child":


All I'm saying is, it could be suPHP's fault/problem, but then again it
may not be.
fn:Max Korzhanoff
org:GARM Technologies
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