
mod_suphp is using apr_prc_create(...) to fork a subprocess that runs the suphp binary. Unfortunately the APR API docs are unclear regarding the wait(...) issue.

There is an apr_proc_wait(...) function, however usually, wait() is called from within the handler handling the SIGCHLD signal.

I do not think, that a module has to register a handler for SIGCHLD, as the Apache process is usually reused and therefore this would change the signal handler table globally.

If you have a look at the Apache sources, the only module, that registers a handler for SIGCHLD is mod_cgid. I did not investigate the details, but I guess that it does not do this for a process doing the request handling, but for a process created and used by the module itself only.

It might be useful to inspect whether the zombie processes are caused by virtually all PHP scripts on the system or by certain scripts only, in order to narrow down the origin of this issue.


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