
> As has been discussed internally, the issue will be resolved. But
> currently it is unknown to us why the *new* batch of hardware has
> failures. This was in fact the first time after almost 11 months of the
> new production process that someone reported a 'similar' problem as
> before. Since the production process has been changed, you shouldn't
> have suffered that older problem.

that was my hope too :)

> Realistically it has been less than a week since you reported the first
> e-mail to the list. And all e-mails have been replied to. Since we are
> very interested if this is a hardware failure or software failure it
> will be looked after carefully.

replied - yes. but solved - not.

the last conclusion was that I should try to re-flash the card via the
netboot, but then it seems there is no one who can describe this
re-flashing process in detail. this is the step where I'm stuck :(

> I guess in about 5 hours someone will be as awake as I am now... to get
> 'official' support. Sadly I don't feel good at all after last nights
> dinner otherwise I would just have called you.


> Saw this pages?
> <>
> <>

yes, I took a look. but I didn't have the LiveDVD on me for the past few
days, so I couldn't give it a try. I was hoping that there's a simple
list of steps for re-flashing. as I'm using Linux myself, it wouldn't be
that much different from that of the LiveCD. only I'm not finding the
tools. I downloaded the LiveCD tarball from sourceforge, but I at the
end that didn't help either - which might be my limitation.


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