On 14 Mar 99 at 19:32, Bernie wrote:

> I even think that swedish law says that I can't save a file for more than 5
> years or something equaly stupid ;)
> (Or atleast this was the case a few years back)

Do you mean, that if you create a file you are not allowed to keep
it for more then 5 years? o_O
If yes, this, is the WEIRDEST computer law I have ever heard of.

Well, thats after another swidish law I heard of which do
not allow the mentioning of people's names in sites without their
permission, and the religious law that some rabi once wrote
to his followers, that they may not pick their nose in saterday, as
it is concidered to be "working". <sigh>

                                       Or Botton
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- "Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense."

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