Thanks for the honesty, it goes a long way these days.
----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 7:36 AM
Subject: Stills - was Re: [biofuel] Using the archives

> >Keith, I went to the archives and found Robert Warrens paper on stills he
> >had designed but I can't get his e-mail address. I would like to purchase
> >the plans he spoke about. Could you help me? I really need to get this
> >soon.
> >Thanks,
> Hello Ron
> Oh dear. If you'd searched a bit further you'd've found out why we
> dropped both that still and its promoter from our website. To be
> brief, it's a no-no. It won't live up to his claims for it, it
> doesn't do the job, and independent experts have warned that it's
> dangerous. The plans are unclear, the directions for building it are
> most confused and contradictory, the parts list is wrong, and
> impossible to fit to the directions and the plans, and the
> instructions for use are, well, benighted. Like the rest of it. I
> think the paper you found may have been my rework of Warren's
> confused material, which I did to try to help people who'd already
> bought the plans (but I couldn't guarantee the results of my work on
> it). Forget it. Really, that's the best advice. I know it looks
> tempting, but you'll just waste your money and your time. We managed
> to find only ONE person, out of more than 60 who'd bought Warren's
> plans, who actually got the thing working, but the performance was
> poor. He got much better results out of a StillMaker. You'd be better
> off scaling up a StillMaker. Bob Lennon, the designer, told me
> there's no problem in scaling it up. Meanwhile other designs are in
> the pipeline, very promising, but not ready yet.
> Sorry, Ron.
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever
> Handmade Projects
> Tokyo
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 12:42 AM
> >Subject: [biofuel] Using the archives
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