ok, first off, me and my big mouth should just shut the hell up some times.  
sorry if I got people offended. should know better by now.

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 08:00 pm, Keith Addison wrote:
> >I have been mostly deleting all the political discussion recently... In
> >addition to it making me ill, I just don't have anything to say.
> Why not?

A number of reasons.  I have been inundated with it, and none of it will 
change my mind and I doubt I'll change anyone elses.

> >(well,
> >perhaps that it is a little OT for biofuels,
> Many here disagree - partly or largely or entirely, it's about oil
> and power, not off-topic issues on a list dealing with alternative
> energy options.

yeah, I guess.  arguements about what is OT and if OT is correct or not rarely 
have good outcomes.

> >but I don't mind. that is what
> >the Del key is for, right?)
> Some at least here disagree with that too, especially me - please see:
> http://archive.nnytech.net/index.php?view=21700&list=BIOFUEL

OK, perhaps it would have been more accurate to say "select all the unread 
post when I am done with the ones I want and set them as read"...

> >Usually in these situations I can sit back and quote teh wonderful mantra
> > we aussies have, "only in America"... Implying that America is big,
> > bloated, self-important, blinker-visioned and largely stupid [1].
> Wow - I don't agree with that either, and I think I'm not at all
> alone there too. We've had recent discussions on the difference (a
> great difference!) between Americans and "America" - "America" being
> the government, the administration, the powers-that-be. There was
> some agreement in referring to the former as Americans, and to the
> latter as "Washington".

for the record, neither do I.  partly this is a problem with the Media.  
sensationalist stories and shows like COPS, Springer and Ricki Lake poison 
our minds... Also I think we want to be better than the rest of the world 
(recently we suck at it...) so part of it is revelling in the failure of the 
"most powerful nation in the world" (don't get me wrong, you guys 
(politically) suck just as much as anyone, there is just a whole lot more of 
the US than there is of anyone else.  I figure if Australia and the US were 
in the reverse situation, by some accident of us having a war with the UK 
before you lot did, we would suck at it even worse.)

I have to admit part of my own prejudice shone through here... On a whole lot 
of levels.  I  can't stand biotry in religion, politics, I don't like 
mindless competition, and I quite like people to get along. Most of the time.  
It brings out the worst in me I'm afraid.  apologies to all.

> >But I can't now, because we (regardless of how much we say, "well I didn't
> >vote for him") are doing this too.
> >
> >Damn it!
> You're interested in biofuels, this concerns you. You're a citizen of
> Planet Earth, this concerns you.

It concerns me, yes.
can I do anything about it? other than protest my own countries involvement, 
not a lot.  Our parlimentary senate passed a motion of no confidence in the 
current govt. and the PM about a month ago. First time this has ever 
happened. Passed by with narry a blip on the media radar.  worst thing is, I 
bet I know what is going to happen next.

Invasion happens, 2-4 weeks bombing, troops go in, 1 - 2  weeks.  then a month 
or two of minor cleaning up.  maybe this time next year or 18 month, US 
mostly withdrawn, no more media interest.  meanwhile, back in the states, OZ, 
UK. election time. No one remembers the war anymore or the fact that Iraq is 
a DU wastland, factional fighting, corruption no leadership, humanitarian 
disaster of a terrorist training ground... same peopel who did not complete 
the job will get re-elected. victory and vindication all round. pats on the 
back.  meanwhile, thousands will have died, millions more will be dieing, a 
new generation of anti western sentiment will have been created and the new 
cold war will continue.

The US (washington, if you like) is blaming the UN for being weak (for 
standing up to the bully). I think the UN is weak, but mostly for not solving 
the problem before it got to this point. same applies double to the US.  does 
the US still owe 10 trillion or so to the UN?  how many different ways could 
that kind of money be spent of developmental aid in countries whose govt.s we 
don't like so that terrorism never got a foothold?  heck, lets be totally 
ruthless and illegal and fund gorrilla movements to overthrow despots! I bet 
you you would get change out of a trillion! (John Pillger pointed out that 
the cost of bribing every millitia leader in Afganistan would have cost about 
the same as one patriot missile....)

the only conclusion I can reach is that nothing in this war on terror and all 
the associated baggage has anything to do with wiping out terrorism or 
anything like that and is all down to vested interests and ego.

and you can't argue with someone who holds views like that.

> Did you read this message? - or delete it as "political"?
> http://archive.nnytech.net/index.php?view=22659&list=BIOFUEL

read it. Agree with you. I was not saying you are wrong. Heck, not sure what I 
was saying any more. perhaps this sums it up.

this war makes me wanna puke. war war war. media wanna show pretty impressive 
pictures of things that might be WOMD being blown up between large-breasted 
burbon adverts. policitions have agenda the don't wanna share. sick of it 
all, don't want to argue about it, don't want to read about it it is all too 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
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