Well said, Larry.
Kim, I'm sorry that you are suffering from this experience. The events in 
people's lives, both good and bad, are felt by the people around them. Like a 
drop of water into a pool, everyone is effected and the waves never stop, they 
just get smaller with time and distance.

Larry Foran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I continue to be amazed by the disregard for others demonstrated by
most drivers. I commute 30 miles to and from work each day. I see
people reading books, talking on phones, and/or putting on makeup
while driving. Our society seems to think that multi-taksing extends
into their driving time.
Talking on the phone take more attention than having a conversation
with another passenger, but people still do not seem to care. I can
see that laws similar to drunk driving laws will need to be enacted
before people understand the gravity of their actions.


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