Hello all....

I'm sure this question will be quite similar to other questions that have 
been answered many times in the past, but i'm new and don't hurt me ;)

The eastern WV college which I attend is the owner of a 200 acre farm which 
is currently seeing little use. There is an initiative to use this availible 
land in ways which would be beneficial to the community both educationally 
and practically.  Current plans, assuming grant funding could be found, is 
to convert the entire farm into an example of what is possible 
agricultrually using green alternitives.  This includes converting the 1837 
farm house and barns to solar power, installing composting toilets, 
establishing an organic community farm, composting all vegetable matter from 
campus, maintaining a heritige vegitable garden and orchard, as well as a 
working examples of uses of alternitive fuels, mainly bio-diesel.

As part of this latter goal, we would like for all the equipment to be using 
fuel from processed waste vegetible oil from the dinning halls on campus 
(expanding to other local sources as needed).  Since we would already be 
processing the oil and probably making more fuel than needed, we would like 
to make the excess availible to the community on a non-profit basis.

If there is a resource availible which would detail how to make (or 
purchase) a system which could process a moderate amount of fuel (somewhere 
above 1000 Gal annually), please let me know.  With this information, we 
could start finding sources of funding for this aspect of the project.

If you might know of any locations which might be willing to supply a grant 
to fund some part of this project (be it solar, biodiesel, composting, 
capital,  etc), that would also be appriciated. Thank you for your 

Ben Shuman

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