Ben, we have a system running here in Cleveland, Ohio that can be assembled
very inexpensively.  We'd be happy to have you come up and visit and we'll
have you pitch in, make a batch, and see how the setup can be assembled back
home in WV.  Drop me a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on 5/15/03 4:39 AM, Ben Shuman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello all....
> I'm sure this question will be quite similar to other questions that have
> been answered many times in the past, but i'm new and don't hurt me ;)
> The eastern WV college which I attend is the owner of a 200 acre farm which
> is currently seeing little use. There is an initiative to use this availible
> land in ways which would be beneficial to the community both educationally
> and practically.  Current plans, assuming grant funding could be found, is
> to convert the entire farm into an example of what is possible
> agricultrually using green alternitives.  This includes converting the 1837
> farm house and barns to solar power, installing composting toilets,
> establishing an organic community farm, composting all vegetable matter from
> campus, maintaining a heritige vegitable garden and orchard, as well as a
> working examples of uses of alternitive fuels, mainly bio-diesel.
> As part of this latter goal, we would like for all the equipment to be using
> fuel from processed waste vegetible oil from the dinning halls on campus
> (expanding to other local sources as needed).  Since we would already be
> processing the oil and probably making more fuel than needed, we would like
> to make the excess availible to the community on a non-profit basis.
> If there is a resource availible which would detail how to make (or
> purchase) a system which could process a moderate amount of fuel (somewhere
> above 1000 Gal annually), please let me know.  With this information, we
> could start finding sources of funding for this aspect of the project.
> If you might know of any locations which might be willing to supply a grant
> to fund some part of this project (be it solar, biodiesel, composting,
> capital,  etc), that would also be appriciated. Thank you for your
> assistance.
> Ben Shuman

Ray L. Holan
1003 Woodlane Dr.
Mayfield Village, OH 44143-3321

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