> So what you are saying is

No Ron,

That's what YOU are saying, and then based upon the intentional use of a mis- and dis-association process procede to riducule and debase to serve your own twisted end, a rather useless one in the course of dialogue which you lay out plainly for everyone to see.

Why is it that your "approach" is so predictable with the utterance of but the first one or two syllables?

Rather than address as issue, you'd prefer to set a stage to suit your pleasure and then proceed to malign anyone and anything that is ouside the fabricated confine of your staged "un-reality.".

Here's a bit for you Ron. All too possibly a bite too big for you to chew. But none-the-less.....

By your queer standard of "logic" and mis-association, only those who die could have any idea of what death is. Sorry to let you in on the secret old buddy, but only those who live can ever have a clue as to what death must be like, at least on this plain, much less a dim idea of the vast periphery of repercussions surrounding death.

By your disconnected logic, only those who have passed through boot camp could offer a clue as to the type of abuse/debasing/deconstruction that occurs. Only someone who's had to breathe foul air or had their well teinted or their children poisoned from a plant upwind or upriver could ever have a clue as to how overwhelming, destructive and life-changing such events are. Only someone.....

Aww...., forget it. Who needs to waste the breath.......

Some might presume from your brand of foolishness Ron, that you're a bit of an "unfinished" whipper snapper who has an entire world of knowledge to yet explore. But that would be a grand dis-service to all the youth in the world who are smart enough to know that when one steps in front of a mortar shell or on a land mine that the chances are a bit more than good that they won't have to worry about mindsets like yours anymore.

And the really sad part Ron? No one will ever have to ask if "That just about sums it up?" relative to your prejudices and mis-conceived predispositions, because you lay the tracks down so well yourself.

Todd Swearingen

ron wrote:

So what you are saying is, you have NO first hand experience. That you are content to spread second hand info spewed out by a blatantly biased anti military press. And bases on NO first hand info you are content to accept all the flotsam they give you and pass it along as if it were from the mouth of GOD. Does that about sum it up?

Appal Energy wrote:


Why would you find it necessary to try and delve into personal exeriences when the public record and the dis-service to America is blatantly and patently apparent?

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