Hakan Falk wrote:

>A question,
>In many countries death threat and instigation of murdering a person
>is against the criminal laws. Is it not the same in US and if, why
>have they not arrested and questioned Robertson?

It's tempting to reply to the effect that he's a supporter of Bush and 
the neocon agenda, but that's irrelevent.

I've read the quotes, and I've never liked Robertson.  That said, he 
never made a threat agains Chavez.  He never asked any of his followers 
to kill the man.  He offered his unsolicited opinion that the CIA should 
assasinate him.

Suggesting that a government agency should kill a foreign leader may be 
stupid, mean, immoral, and a number of other things, but it's not 
illegal to offer a mean, stupid, and immoral opinion.

If he were funding an undercover operation to kill someone - anyone - 
then he could be arrested under any number of laws.  But we're very 
short on evidence that's the case, and long on rhetoric about his 
hypocritic nature.

I'm not trying to support the man, just trying to inject a little reason 
back into the discussion.

--- David

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