Clif Caldwell wrote:

> Wow and to think that I was going to use this list only to figure out 
> how to titrate WVO correctly.
> At the risk at attracting perhaps merited flames ......
> Where is the outrage at the coverage of the war in Iraq ?

        There's a lot of this kind of discussion in the archives.

> Have you heard one positive story on NPR or anywhere else ?

        Well, initially the news coverage seemed almost gleeful.  The news, 
however, has been getting more and more grim.  Perhaps the early flush 
of military success made some people believe that our mission in Iraq 
would be accomplished with little bloodshed.  (Did anyone with a 
serious knowledge of our capability to project power ever believe we 
would have difficulty rolling over the Iraqi army?  They made the most 
inept defense of a nation I can recall.)  Now, however, we're dealing 
with the harsh reality of trying to unify a nation long held together 
by force.  I, for one, never doubted we could defeat the Iraqi army. 
I, for one, never believed we could defeat the Iraqi people.

> Where is the outrage at the fine work Michael Moore and numerous others 
> are doing at peddling lies ?

        Lies?  Hmm . . .  I'll let Todd handle that one.

> Where is the outrage when fine mothers, sisters, sons and fathers who 
> are proud of the service their sons and daughters are offering in the 
> Armed Services are not given any voice and one heartbroken mother is 
> given weeks of press coverage because she is against the war in Irag ?

        I've found news coverage in the United States astonishingly pro war. 
  For a long time, it seemed that very few voices were being raised in 
opposition, and those of us who DID speak out were being shouted down 
by a strong militarist sentiment that seemed pervasive in the United 
States.  This is another topic we've discussed here many times.

        Having written this, please don't confuse my opposition to the war 
with opposition to individual soldiers.

> And finally a point that may need some attention by the "Men of God" 
> judicatory committee on this list :
> Where is the outrage at allowing Muslim clerics right here in America to 
> daily call for the UTTER destruction of not only Americans who believe 
> that Allah may not be the way, but also any other infidels?

        You will find a very strong thread of sentiment among most people who 
post here that decries "fundamentalism" in any form.  However, this is 
also an international list, and some of the discussion here has 
included an examination of WHY radical Islam has captured the 
imagination of so many people.  Most of us Americans don't like to 
hear some of these things.  Though I often find them hard to read, 
listening has opened my mind to a perspective that differs radically 
from my own.

        Now, if we were behaving as a truly "Christian" nation, the world 
would be a very different place, and I believe we would not be 
inciting the wrath of so many citizens in other countries.

> All I'm saying is that I for one  feel compelled to be very conscious of 
> my own "blind spots" as I am chief among those who can stand only by 
> grace .....

        Indeed, as we all are.

> Just a thought to further take this list into a land far away from 
> renewable energy sources.

        Some of these issues may seem tangential at first.  Close 
examination, however, will reveal how energy use, foreign policy, 
religious perspective, racism and many other "isms" blend to create 
the overall milieu in which the topic of biofuels exist.  We who have 
been here for any length of time agree by consensus that which is 
deserving of discussion and that which is not.  It's remarkably self 
regulating, for the most part.

        Do you disagree with anything I've posted concerning "men of God" and 
the scriptures?  Do you not see the relationship between oil reserves 
in Venezuela and Mr. Robertson's political posturing?  In this thread, 
we have the realms of religion and politics blending quite clearly 
with an underlying need to access the world's energy supplies; by 
force, if necessary.  Deal with the energy use issue, and the 
compelling "need" to complain about Chavez will go away.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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