Hello Clif

>Keith Addison wrote:
> >My my. And I was just thinking you might be a man who'd do a bit of
> >checking before he shot his foot off. Again. I do rather wonder what
> >you mean when you say "right here in America" when actually where you
> >are right now is right here on the global Internet, on a global
> >discussion group with a global membership that includes many Muslims
> >living in Muslim countries, who are probably more aware than you are
> >of calls from your country - calls and deeds done - to kill them and
> >their leaders. But that doesn't count, does it? It does here. If you
> >want outrage over the coverage of the war in Iraq you'll find it
> >aplenty, but you won't like it - it's outrage at the unquestioning,
> >knee-jerk coverage your so-called "liberal" press (ROFL!!!) gave to
> >the pack of blatant lies that led unfailingly to everything and
> >everybody getting torn to pieces in Iraq (as most of us predicted at
> >the time), including your precious military, and every single promise
> >broken.
> >
> >
>Guilty as accused concerning not backing up my statements. I have
>remedied this in another post.

Well, you haven't given Fred any work, each and every one of your 
refs has been debunked many times before and it's all in the archives.

"In Iraq, we're not fighting for ourselves," said Bean, from his home 
base in Fort Campbell, Ky. "We're over there fighting so the Iraqis 
can have their own Fourth of July."

LOL! Yeah, it's not funny, but black humour's a survival trait these days.

>And guilty as accused as writing from a
>decidingly US perspective. I have traveled extensively including
>performing tsunami relief (as a civilian paying my own way) in Banda
>Aceh, Indonesia (90+ % Isalmic). Please understand that I have cried
>with, struggled with and even prayed with Muslims and Christians all
>over the world.  (I have carried out humanitarian efforts in Central and
>South America and Jordan also.) Unfortunately I was not as sensitive as
>I should have been to all the readers of this list.
>I am a former officer in the USAF

So you keep saying.

>so perhaps I do have a fondness for
>the fine, exceedingly capable and patriotic  men and women serving to
>protect and defend a country

Americans are inclined to be VERY careful about seeming to criticise 
that, most will pay it due obeisance. But most people here are not 
Americans and can be expected to treat it as the false sacred cow 
that it is. Again, please see the archives, we've had Purple 
Heart-winning US vets arguing with each here before this. So you 
might as well stop saying it, it doesn't secure you any high ground.

>I personally feel is a  pretty good place
>to live.
>Perhaps I am living under some delusions and if that is the
>case then I'm sure someone will try to correct the errors of my ways.
>Thanks for the input. I will give it some thought.
>Just a guy sorting things out,

I wonder. I think you're trolling. You slip in and lay some 
flame-bait, it duly raises noise and distraction, then you're all 
penitent about it, and then you do it again, twice so far. I'm not 
convinced by your penitence this time, and there won't be a third 

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

> >
> >
> >>Wow and to think that I was going to use this list only to figure out
> >>how to titrate WVO correctly.
> >>At the risk at attracting perhaps merited flames ......
> >>Where is the outrage at the coverage of the war in Iraq ?
> >>Have you heard one positive story on NPR or anywhere else ?
> >>Where is the outrage at the fine work Michael Moore and numerous others
> >>are doing at peddling lies ?
> >>Where is the outrage when fine mothers, sisters, sons and fathers who
> >>are proud of the service their sons and daughters are offering in the
> >>Armed Services are not given any voice and one heartbroken mother is
> >>given weeks of press coverage because she is against the war in Irag ?
> >>And finally a point that may need some attention by the "Men of God"
> >>judicatory committee on this list :
> >>
> >>
> >
> >What exactly do you mean by that?
> >
> >
> >
> >>Where is the outrage at allowing Muslim clerics right here in America to
> >>daily call for the UTTER destruction of not only Americans who believe
> >>that Allah may not be the way, but also any other infidels?
> >>
> >>All I'm saying is that I for one  feel compelled to be very conscious of
> >>my own "blind spots" as I am chief among those who can stand only by
> >>grace .....
> >>
> >>Just a thought to further take this list into a land far away from
> >>renewable energy sources.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >It is not far away from renewable energy sources. I think you should
> >read this carefully, since it looks as if you haven't already done so:
> >
> >http://sustainablelists.org/pipermail/biofuel_sustainablelists.org/200
> >5-May/000007.html
> >Or:
> >http://snipurl.com/gi45
> >
> >Best wishes
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>In need of clarity,
> >>Clif
> >>
> >>TarynToo wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Amen Robert!


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