what if their religous leaders said the same thing about us?
isn't that what the wahbi's and taliban and AlCIAduh all are preaching?
what right do we have to interfere with another countries elected leaders.
It's THEIR OIL they can CHOOSE to not sell us any if they want to.
These people think they can just keep on stealing other peoples resources so we 
can feed this consumber monster we have created.
they TRULY believe it's God's will to do this.
like the Teliban did when they blew up the Bhudist statues.
religous jihadist 
all the same

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Clif Caldwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Thu 8/25/2005 11:11 AM 
        To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
        Subject: Re: [Biofuel] What has the world come to

        John Hayes wrote:
        >>>>Is the source for this correct ? It might be good to cite the
        >>>>source if we are going to assasinate not only a living person but
        >>>>also a man's character. If you have the original source for this
        >>>>information then maybe we should post it here to help clear this
        >>>>up. Just a thought.......
        >>>I JUST heard it on NPR!
        >>>Here's the quote:
        >>I to sadly have heard the quote out of his own mouth. I have also
        >>heard his contrite apology. Unfortunately we all say things "in the
        >>moment" we later regret. Two things are true in this world......
        >>There is a God ... And I am not Him. I cannot speak to another man's
        >>salvation. It is regretable that men who are called "men of God"
        >>still have some of the old nature in them. Fortunately the process of
        >>sanctification is an ongoing process much like our process here to
        >>find the perfect method creating good fuel. May Mr. Robertson
        >>consider this episode part of his refining. Clif
        >Clif, you're still being an apologist for Robertson. First you question
        >the source and imply that his character is being assassinated, and now,
        >when faced with the statement straight from the horse's mouth, you
        >dissemble and imply that it's really ok because we're all just God's
        >imperfect creatures and it's alright because he said he was sorry.
        >If Robertson is so sorry, why is he blantantly LYING about what he 
        >I thought "christians" of his ilk were all about taking personal
        >responsibility? I find any "contrite apology" rather thin when only
        >*yesterday* he was still claiming he was "misinterpreted". Why did he 
        >on the air yesterday and claim he never used the word assassinate when
        >Monday's video clearly shows he did?
        >"Refining" my ass. The man is a lying hypocrite and you know it.
        >>August 24, 2005 Robertson Apologizes but Says He Was 'Misinterpreted'
        >>The Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson issued a statement today
        >>apologizing for his televised remarks calling for the assassination
        >>of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
        >>"Is it right to call for assassination?" he said in the statement.
        >>"No, and I apologize for that statement. I spoke in frustration that
        >>we should accommodate the man who thinks the U.S. is out to kill
        >>But Mr. Robertson was far from apologetic on his television show
        >>today, instead insisting that he had been been "misinterpreted" by
        >>The Associated Press and that he had never used the word
        >>"I said our special forces should 'take him out.' 'Take him out'
        >>could be a number of things, including kidnapping," Mr. Robertson
        >>told his audience on the show "The 700 Club" today.
        >>The video from Monday's telecast, easily available on the internet,
        >>shows Mr. Robertson saying of the Venezuelan president: "If he thinks
        >>we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go
        >>ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I
        >>don't think any oil shipments will stop." Mr. Robertson went on at
        >>length about Mr. Chávez, suggesting that "covert operatives" could
        >>"do the job and then get it over with."
        >>Political and religious leaders continued to denounce Mr. Robertson
        >>today. The World Evangelical Alliance issued a statement saying,
        >>"Robertson does not speak for evangelical Christians. We believe in
        >>justice and the protection of human rights of all people, including
        >>the life of President Chavez."
        >>On Tuesday, Mr. Robertson's comments were denounced by both the State
        >>Department and by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. In Caracas,
        >>Mr. Robertson was criticized by the vice president of Venezuela, and
        >>in Havana by President Fidel Castro.
        >Biofuel mailing list
        >Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
        >Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
        I cannot provide any defense for his statements nor can I dispute the
        validity of your (jh) statements and assessment. Perhaps I have made so
        many mistakes personally that I am just slightly slower to pick up rocks
        than I used to be.
        Anyway I am not an apologist for anyone, especially a grown man with an
        audience the size of Pat Robertson. If I sound like that then I
        "apologize" :).
        As far as questioning the source that is just something I have learned
        over the years when reading something for the first time on the
        internet. I've found this attitude keeps me from making too many errors
        in judgment.
        I do recall something from a book I recently read: "Be hard on the
        mistake and easy on the person." Maybe I should reexamine that statement
        in light of all of this.
        Just so you know jh I'll continue to strive to be slow to pick up a rock
        What a good list. And to think I was trying to figure out how to
        construct my first biodiesel processor when I subscribed.  Oh well I
        guess a man is often called to arms when he least expects.
        With warm, winsome regards,
        Biofuel mailing list
        Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
        Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 


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