Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.



ith Addison wrote:

>>He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
>>Soldiers to this country
>Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
>the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
>mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
>advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
>Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
>reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
>range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
>patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
>no Bay of Doctors this time!
>>>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
>>>Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500
>>>Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro
>>>Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
>>>the United States eleven hundred
>>>doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
>>>diagnostic teams, to help the
>>>victims of Hurricane Katrina.
>>>The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
>>>television program The Informative Round
>>>Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
>>>northern nation that were in the
>>>path of the devastating storm.
>>>Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
>>>instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
>>>Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
>>>condolences for the loss of human
>>>life caused by the cyclone.
>>>At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
>>>catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
>>>and Alabama was not known.
>>>The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
>>>Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
>>>Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
>>>indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
>>>doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
>>>three field hospitals and the
>>>personnel required to staff them.
>>>He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
>>>ideological differences, the island has
>>>always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
>>>this, and he recalled the attitude
>>>assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
>>>On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
>>>offer assistance to the United
>>>States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
>>>airliners flying towards that nation,
>>>he said.
>>>Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
>>>publicity, and this was stressed in the
>>>message sent to the American authorities.
>>>He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
>>>Department Thursday evening about the
>>>offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
>>>world, which failed to mention that
>>>of the biggest of the Antilles.
>>>President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
>>>send to the areas of greatest need
>>>the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
>>>containing 24 kilograms of
>>>essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.
>>>Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
>>>specialists in general medicine,
>>>plus equipment.
>>>Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
>>>extensive medical experience tested in
>>>the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
>>>have English language proficiency.
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