I already speak Spanish so it doesn't bother me.  With regards to 
immigration, legal or illegal, all I will say is that the current system 
needs reform. 

Richard Littrell wrote:

> Dear Miguel
> We are already swaying to cuban music which is really fine.  As for 
> spanish, that will be spoken because of the Bush administration's 
> refusal to do anything of substance about illegal immigration from 
> Mexico.  They could end it in a matter weeks if they wanted to but 
> they don't.  If it weren't for all of the other incredibly vile things 
> this administration has done, this would be the worst.
> Rick
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
>>Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
>>We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
>>I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.
>>ith Addison wrote:
>>>>He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
>>>>Soldiers to this country
>>>Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
>>>the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
>>>mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
>>>advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
>>>Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
>>>reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
>>>range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
>>>patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
>>>no Bay of Doctors this time!
>>>>>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>>>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>>>Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
>>>>>Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500
>>>>>Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro
>>>>>Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
>>>>>the United States eleven hundred
>>>>>doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
>>>>>diagnostic teams, to help the
>>>>>victims of Hurricane Katrina.
>>>>>The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
>>>>>television program The Informative Round
>>>>>Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
>>>>>northern nation that were in the
>>>>>path of the devastating storm.
>>>>>Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
>>>>>instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
>>>>>Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
>>>>>condolences for the loss of human
>>>>>life caused by the cyclone.
>>>>>At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
>>>>>catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
>>>>>and Alabama was not known.
>>>>>The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
>>>>>Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
>>>>>Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
>>>>>indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
>>>>>doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
>>>>>three field hospitals and the
>>>>>personnel required to staff them.
>>>>>He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
>>>>>ideological differences, the island has
>>>>>always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
>>>>>this, and he recalled the attitude
>>>>>assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
>>>>>On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
>>>>>offer assistance to the United
>>>>>States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
>>>>>airliners flying towards that nation,
>>>>>he said.
>>>>>Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
>>>>>publicity, and this was stressed in the
>>>>>message sent to the American authorities.
>>>>>He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
>>>>>Department Thursday evening about the
>>>>>offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
>>>>>world, which failed to mention that
>>>>>of the biggest of the Antilles.
>>>>>President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
>>>>>send to the areas of greatest need
>>>>>the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
>>>>>containing 24 kilograms of
>>>>>essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.
>>>>>Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
>>>>>specialists in general medicine,
>>>>>plus equipment.
>>>>>Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
>>>>>extensive medical experience tested in
>>>>>the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
>>>>>have English language proficiency.
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