Hi Tom

Great! What a good read, thankyou!

All best


>Hi All,
>    An agriculture class just left my house. Their teacher brought them over
>to see my "biodiesel setup". The stop at my place was to be just a short
>detour on their way to see a large greenhouse operation at the Institute for
>Ecosystem Studies (I.E.S; associated with Cornell University). When Ms.
>Straus asked to bring her class over, she said that she "... likes her
>students to see what ordinary people can do"
>     I retired after teaching kids like these for over 30 years. It was fun
>to have them over and address questions like:
>     Can the biodiesel you make be used to run farm tractors?
>     Do you have to use special oil to make BD?
>  * I heard somewhere that it takes more energy to make these fuels than it
>is worth. Is that so?
>  * "I heard that all this fuss over alternate fuels is going to cause food
>prices to go through the roof."
>* -----> Great opportunity to talk about biofuel vs agrofuel; and local,
>small-scale energy production as an essential component of sustainable
>agriculture. (They have visited local organic farms and they have a working
>compost bin in the classroom  ..... their two rabbits contribute
>regularly. )
>     I found out only yesterday that Ms. Straus had been raised on a dairy
>farm in California. Maybe you would like to check out their website:
>www.strausfamilycreamery.com  They use the manure from the cows to generate
>methane gas. The methane gas runs the motor that turns a generator to
>provide electricity for the farm. The heat from the motor heats the water
>for cleaning the barn. They are using biodiesel in one of the tractors and
>hope to have it eventually replace petrol entirely.
>    It's snowing here in my neck of the woods. It is heartwarming to know
>that there are enthusiastic young teachers with strong backgrounds in
>agriculture that are promoting sustainability. It's also nice to know that
>there are family-run farms that are able to succeed financially. I can't
>help but think that an important component of their success might be the
>intergration of  energy production with sustainable farming techniques.
>Saving $40,000/year in electric costs as well as saving on the cost of
>heating water added to the savings from using the manure for fertilizer
>rather than buying commercial fertilizer + savings from saying no to
>pesticides, antibiotics, etc. might just be the formula for financial
>success. It doesn't hurt that these practices also result in a superior
>product and is triply good in that they reduce negative impact on the
>      This is the last class Ms. Strauss will be able to bring to the I.E.S
>greenhouses. They are going to dismantle the greenhouses because the cost of
>heating them has become prohibitive. As the class was leaving, now an hour
>late for their next stop, we passed by my boiler (heat and hot water) that
>runs on 100% homebrewed BD. The kids wondered if they could heat the
>greenhouses with BD. I commented that they could modify a burner to run on
>straight veg oil.
>     Outside they wanted me to start up my car, a 1982 Mercedes 300SD with
>over 240,000 miles on it. It had been plugged in, but I was still a bit
>nervous. It was very cold. What if it didn't start? No problem, it started
>right up. As they boarded the bus, they wanted to know if it was a diesel.
>Does it use BD? Why not?
>     Bye-byes and "Thank you's". Kids are great!
>                                                                        Tom
>----- Original Message -----
>To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 1:44 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Did David Pimentel win?
>> Hello all
>> It seems obvious that organic farms should be producing their own
>> renewable fuel and energy rather than using fossil fuels, but I think very
>> few of them do so, at least in the industrialised countries.


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