The Woods Hole people said there
might be an ice age in western Europe because of fresh water melting into
the gulf stream. This is also covered in Inconvinient Truth but not alot
of emphasis is placed on it. Superficial layers of the Gulf stream are
salty and warm as they move north toward Greenland. As the water
Greenland, the water cools and heat is lost to evaporation. This heat is
transferred along the jet stream to warm western Europe. The remaining
water sinks deep into the lower layers of the ocean because of its heavy
salt content at 5 billion gallons/second, driving the global ocean
conveyor belt. If Greenland melts and the fresh water reaches the ocean
current, it will dilute the salty water. If it gets diluted enough, the
water will stop diving down (ie no longer salty) and the conveyor belt
will stop. If it stops, there will no longer be heat in the northern gulf
stream and western Europe will move into an ice age. The emissions are
causing global 'warming' and the potential threat of fresh water melt
into the ocean which may have the secondary effect of an ice age. The
Woods Hole people are in Greenland now studying if the fresh water is
staying contained on land (possibly moving under the ice sheets) or if
any has really reached the ocean yet. I will read the rules and try to
understand. Yes I was shouting. I'm glad you don't agree with all the
article said. Sorry.

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