What year of TDI?  We ran a '99 TDI on  biodiesel for a long time with no
issues.  I'm not sure that I'd run SVO on the TDI pumps, but biodiesel
should not be an issue.  I've found that many diesel mechanics have what
could best be called an allergic reaction to biodiesel, and blame it for
all sorts of engine problems.  One blamed SVO for an old mercedes being
slow claiming that it had ruined the car... and it was only properly heated
180degree SVO in this particular one too.  I suspect that it was having a
non turbo 65 horsepower engine in a 3500lb car at 9,000 feet elevation that
made it slow, myself.....   I do know that some injector pumps are not
particularly strong (I've heard that the lucas ones are on this list, but
not sure of others), and could be affected by a fuel with higher viscosity.
  So, perhaps... but I had not heard issues with the early TDI's before.  I
have heard that the PD TDI's may have issues with polymerization, depending
on the iodine number of the biodiesel.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Ken Riznyk <kenriz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have been mostly a lurker in this group but lost interest when it became
> a political group rather than a DIY on biofuel. I like the content of the
> posts but there is just too much to read. Anyhow I have a technical
> question. Previously I had read disputes about whether biodiesel or SVO
> could be used in a Jetta. I bought my Jetta with the expressed desire to
> use biofuel but it because difficult because most of the sources of
> vegetable oil dried up so I just wound up using regular diesel.  Anyway
> recently my injector pump broke and needed to be replaced. My repair guy
> said that he could not find a used or reliable reman pump because the
> veggie crowd is buying them all up because they are ruining them and having
> to replace them too often. I would like to hear comments on this. Is there
> any truth to this. After about a month my repair guy managed to find a used
> one in North Carolina.
> Ken
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