On 12/22/2016 14:42, Chip Mefford wrote:
It has been many years now since Keith passed.

As things stand, Darryl is about the only traffic posted here
and even that is echoing (admittedly interesting) stuff
posted elsewhere.

If anyone is interested, I can and am willing to provide the subscriber's
list if anyone wishes to continue this work.

As things stand, this mailing list is the only mailing list left on
my mailman server that gets any traffic at all, and the spam to post
ratio is about 70:1 (intercepted).

As of 20170101, the list will shut down.

The archives will of course remain in place until such a time as
those responsible for them decide to take some other action.

Please take these few days to make your farewells.

Thank you so much for all your work! To everyone who has been involved in the biofuels list, I wish you well.


Robert Luis Rabello
Adventure for Your Mind

Ceremonies and Celebrations video:

Meet the People video:

Crisis video:

The Long Journey video:

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