On Tuesday 2013-07-30 20:41, Vivek Goyal wrote:
>> FYI, I don't see any CC's on the original mail as displayed on GMane via
>> NNTP...

Neither do I, with a normal (non-NTTP, non-Gmail) setup.

>I am CCed in original mail and that's why I got a copy of it in my Inbox.

If you did, you should be able to locate the second copy, received
from the mailing list software.

>I am not sure how did Tom receive that mail. If my email id somehow
>automatically got stripped, I have no idea how that can happen.
>I am trying to look into systemd-devel archives but there does not seem
>to be any info who is CCed on the mail.

Because there was no one CCed. Which either means that the original
sender issued two different mail envelopes with two different mail
bodies, or that the ML software stripped the CCs. Looking at the
Message-Id and perhaps Received: field could perhaps reveal different
messages and/or the path where one envelope was split.
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