2010/1/7 Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ===Footway==
>> Now, bicycles aren't allowed on *footpaths* - ie, the path that runs along
>> the side of the road. But they're generally allowed on most other paths,
>> like into or through parks, around sports grounds etc. So I propose
>> "foot=designated bicycle=yes".
> I would prefer foot=designated + bicycle=no. If an Australian tags
> highway=footway, I think it would be reasonably expected that bikes
> aren't allowed by default.

Why?  Just because you happen to live in a state where that happens to
be the case, doesn't mean I do. If I tagged a footpath, I would expect
bikes ARE allowed by default, because they are here.  Setting defaults
for this is going to be instinctively wrong for a lot of mappers, most
of whom won't ever see this page.

So far, I've been told that Vic and NSW don't allow riding on unsigned
footpaths by adults, ACT and QLD do.  Anybody know the rules for the
other states?

By the way, what's the current difference between bicycle=designated
and bicycle=yes?  I thought I knew, but skimming through all the posts
in the various lists for the last few days has left me confused again.


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