
I think if the club has a location, then map a node at the club's location. (e.g. some type of amenity tag) Use the normal tags for contact details (phone number, web site).

I don't think it makes sense to add tags to the place node.

 - Ben.

On 6/7/17 16:04, Gary Pope wrote:
Intent: Would like to tag locations of many woodworking club houses
around Australia
Issue:  * Woodworking clubs like to attract new members, or visiting
members from other clubs
                * Woodworking clubs often contain expensive machinery -
                theft target
                * But they do have websites that we can link to
                        * Some don't have websites, but newsletters
                        * If newsletters are linked to, they often
                        contain personal names & phone numbers

Proposal:       * Add a tag to suburbs (place=suburb) that have
woodworking clubs. Such as:
                                * place=suburb, club:woodwork=yes,
                        * Add a tag to woodwork clubs that want their
                        clubhouse location known, such as:
                                * club=woodwork (note
                                craft/shop=woodwork would be wrong, as
                                these places are not for commercial use)
                        * Contact woodwork clubs and ask them if / how
                        they wish to be tagged
                        * Worst case scenario would be to create a
                        separate database and host that as an overlay to

Issues: * Which tag(s) to use
                * Tagging suburbs with woodwork club facilities (Would
                very much like to know if this is ok, or if there are
                * Legal issues (privacy?) if we were to link to
                * Woodworking club houses are often owned by the
                council, but can be privately owned - some extra info

Any feedback would be very welcome.

For testing purposes we have identified 6 'example' clubs that don't mind their full exposure right to an address.

But feedback from various parties suggest it might be better to have a POINTER only at a SUBURB level, along with some sort of description that demonstrates that there is a 'club' in the area "nearby"

*Gary A. Pope*

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