Thanks Simon

The 'phone' is not a problem any more, since we thought it best to just lave that out, to avoid the issue.  WE felt that having the existence of the club in the 'area' as being sufficient to allow people to pursue further investigation about where the club ultimately is, and where to find it.  The thing is,  'clubs' often have obscure names that relate to something other than the town, and this is why they are hard to find..  The OSM map was behind the thinking, as to how to address that one issue.  But then upon reflection we started to discover all the privacy and risk factors associated with mapping them.

Thanks for your input tonight.   We decided NOT to include phone numbers at all, to avoid phone spamming by allegeed telecommunication, power and insurance companies and the like,  to avoid frustration by clubs who just want to craft wood.

I'm left with Andrew's fine comment s so far.


On 06/07/17 19:34, Simon Slater wrote:
On Thursday, 6 July 2017 4:48:50 PM AEST Gary Pope wrote:
In fact our first draft attempt was to include the phone and email, but we
soon realised that would just be a cause for spam to the email addresses,
and unsolicited phone calls to the owners. PLus, committees change every
year (or so), so there cannot be a 'contact' per se.
Clubs often have a Public Officer.  This title could be the contact "person", 
irrespective of the appointed person, with official PO box for mail and 
clubhouse phone for calling.

If the OP is in personal contact with clubs about this and privacy is a 
concern, then a suggestion of  answer-phone on at the clubhouse or cheap 
mobile gives a phone contact. Then the frequency of answering and other 
details on the message leave contactability  totally to the club.

Gary A. Pope

Alchester Business Systems
m: 0408-994799 anytime.
p: 03-97626293
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