Hi all, building on Andrew's great work, I've provided an Overpass query
below that allows users to change population cutoffs to see how different
values affect which places are categorised as cities, towns, villages and

https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1Bug (yep, that's the random link name, its not
a bug!)

I've used the following cut-offs in the query, as these align with how I
view cities/towns etc in Vic and southern NSW (which I know best) but you
can change the values to whatever you like to see how different values
change how places are categorised.

City = > 50,000 people
Town = 5000 - 50,000
Village = 1000 - 5000
Hamlet = < 1000

This kind of query gives a broad-brush pattern of how we can classify
places into cities, towns etc. If we can gain consensus on broad cutoffs,
we can then explore how services such as health and educational facilities
influence outcomes.

The query only shows places that have 2021 ABS population data (most/all of
which Andrew D has entered). Other places aren't shown. Andrew has
described other limitations in earlier posts.

For a simple way to explore how cutoffs will change the outcomes, Wikipedia
provides lists of cities in each state, ranked by population:

Aus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Australia_by_population



Vic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_places_in_Victoria_by_population

Tas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_places_in_Tasmania_by_population



Hope this is useful. Thanks again to everyone for a stimulating
conversation. Cheers Ian

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 10:48 AM Little Maps <mapslit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree with others that setting up a long list of services is probably
> unworkable, and would prefer to focus on population cut offs as the key
> criterion, with secondary, minor consideration to a very short list of key
> services. However, can we focus on what the key cut offs are before we
> discuss the fine details of scoring extra services? Once we’ve decided on
> the population cut offs it could be relatively simple to use overpass
> queries to see how often population cut offs address most of the service
> issues anyway (because doctors etc tend to be in bigger centres) and how
> often we have anomalies. Then we can work out scoring systems to address
> the anomalies. Until we agree on broad population-based categories we can’t
> move forward much imo. Thanks again Andrew for all your work and info, and
> everyone else for input. Cheers Ian
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