Callum Noble wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was speaking to someone involved with the Scout Network in Scotland, 
> which is an organisation for ex-Scouts aged 18-25.
> He suggests a joint mapping weekend/party somewhere in Central Scotland 
> between the Scouts and some OSM contributers. With some of us to give a 
> talk on the project and a demo of how to go about mapping/editing. (They 
> have there own supply of GPS)
> A brief discussion suggests that this might be better based at a larger 
> town which is pretty blank on the map, rather than in Glasgow/Edinburgh 
> - which for the most part - have their centers mapped quite well now.
> Falkirk came up as a possibility but anywhere central could work out. I 
> understand they have access to accommodation for themselves in quite a 
> few places - not sure of the exact details of this though.
> Any Glasgow/Edinburgh/Central Scotland people interested in this?
I'm definitly up for this, depending on the dates.

Somewhere on the train between Glasgow and Edinburgh, would probably 
work out well, At a quick glance Livingston and Falkirk might to good 
places to start. People with cars could head out a little futher afield 
if neccessary.

I'm also more than happy to do a talk in the run  up to any event.

Anyone in Edinburgh/Glasgow up for some beers in the next few weeks?


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