On Thu, 2012-05-31 at 10:46 +0100, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> Some good news! As from yesterday, Hampshire County Council have released 
> their Rights of Way data under the OS OpenData licence.

Good news indeed.

This must be the reason why they've been too busy to answer my licensing
query despite me chasing them about it! ;)

> Details here:
> http://www3.hants.gov.uk/communications/mediacentre/mediareleases.htm?newsid=534104
> Slippy map, and downloadable raw data (shp or kml format) at:
> http://www3.hants.gov.uk/row/row-maps.htm
> I think we can import OS OpenData stuff into OSM can't we?

I think that the general consensus is that we can.

> If so, I'd imagine what we need to do is:
> - convert this data to .osm files with OSM tagging, and
> - manually (not automatically!) add any paths not already in OSM to OSM.
> I could develop a tool for the former, and do some, at least, of the latter 
> though in other areas of the county it would be better done with people with 
> local knowledge.

While I believe that this data release is a good thing may I take this
opportunity to remind people that legality is not always reality. If you
intend to use this dataset then please do a ground survey to ensure that
the path actually follows the route recorded in the definitive map.



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