On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 11:11:08AM +0200, Ivvvn SSSnchez Ortega wrote:
> On Wed, April 30, 2008 10:32, Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio wrote:
> > One funny alternative would be to compute not the size of the data
> > but the size of the tiles in a compressed format. An empty tile can be
> > compressed to a few bytes, but a dense tile with a lot of ways and place-
> > names cannot be compressed so much.
> I don't like that. We're using a spherical mercator projection, meaning
> that anything nearer the poles is drawn bigger. That fact would slant the
> statistic towards northern europe.

I suppose it would be possible to correct for that, bits per unit area
where area is a function of latitude (small tile approximation).

Once you had derived the (normalized) information density f(theta, phi)
you could then plot it (heat map) back on the original map.


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